Curls 4 Life
I worked with Curls 4 Life as a consultant to take their curly hair products into the online e-commerce space while staying true to the founder's ethos.

To achieve this, I provided consultation on both creative and technical decisions, helping to establish a comprehensive brand identity that truly resonated with their target audience. From there, I led the full creative design direction for the website, with a focus on creating an impactful digital presence that showcased the beauty of one's unique natural curls.

With the website, we faced the challenge of combining commerce with education, as clients needed to navigate the complexity of curl analysis to find the right products for their hair. To overcome this hurdle, I developed a custom tool for online hair assessment that could tailor products to the client's needs, ensuring that they received the right products for their unique curl types.

Establishing a comprehensive brand identity with a strong art design direction, I was able to create a digital presence that truly represented the beauty and uniqueness of natural curls, while also providing the clients with the best products for their specific hair types.

Skill sets utilized: Creative director, art director, UI/UX, product lead, technical lead, photography.

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